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meet other founders #fajarsiddiq
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meeting to maybe become a co-founder of a startup
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meeting w cofounder #inpilot
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talk with other founders #life
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go meet with co-founders #sicross
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#givewithella connect with a founder with a similar vision about a possible collab
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meet my cofounder for coffee and discuss future
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Meeting with co-founders to talk about the next steps
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Schedule meeting with potential co-founder #jonga
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find good starter for side project #webtastic
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meet with potential co-founder #labs
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meeting for new project
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reach out to 1 potential product founder regarding #changeloghost
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meet a founder for lunch
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started new project #growthstarterkit
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call with cofounder #hifive
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Explore some new project ideas with a friend #contraptionco
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have an interview with a startup
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