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install wip raycast extension 😄
Create a Raycast extension connected to Xano knowledge database
Create todo from Raycast extension #wip
post first todo with WIP's Raycast extension #life
Create first todo from Raycast extension #wip
Learning Raycast extensions.
Get Raycast extension approved into the Store… #visiondirectory
Give Raycast a test drive #chores
finally ship google auth on android #unistore
Make pull request for Raycast extension #wip h/t @screenfluent for keeping me accountable…
Record screencast explaining extension to Raycast team #wip
Installed raycast extension for WIP, thanks @marc
Prototype #wip Raycast extension
add auth to chrome extension
Get approval for google auth *finally* #saasco
start implementing Google sign in
Authenticate with google #zanedigibiz