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customize mastodon (WIP)
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worked on my own buffer/typefully like app to help schedule mastodon accounts #djangonews
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remote tweets from my bookmark and adding to new collection #fajarsiddiq
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Unarchive #til for visibility even though I won't be working on it. Reason: I used it today to post a TIL: Back story: had archived all projects I'm not working on recently:…
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drafted a conceptual bookmarking service that takes notes as you add items to it. Just some research.
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Fix Mastodon previews #snapas
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dusted off my Mastodon accounts to make sure I can sync from Twitter. I have no plans to move over, but rotating passwords and adding followers was worth the time spent.
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Made a collection of bookmarked threaded tweets & articles set to public. #fajarsiddiq
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checkout mastodon...
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spun up a Linkding self-hosted bookmark service because pinboard was abandoned
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- 30 mins: archive all the links from past 3 days and reorganize them into my own book of notes ✅ see [[edaddd]] for details #edaddd
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cleaned up bookmarks, filed research, and took some notes to get a few other projects rolling
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Spent a little time last night working on all my socials... I also got really lucky securing the handles for my next project @BookmarkHQ
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look into setting up a mastodon instance
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Revamped how I manage bookmarks internally
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dusted off my social media scheduling app that I once used on Twitter and I'm updating it to work with both mastodon and twitter via the typerfully api. This should allow posting to other social networks too easily enough. 🤷
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🍟 Side project weekend: Got the new "Archive to Wayback Machine" publish feature working on local #lifelog
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rethinking the bookmarking app
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🍟 Side project weekend: Added a way to download an archive of all your posts, via Google Sheets! #lifelog
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Tiny step closer to shipping the blog. Shared discovery of how to better understand the process by asking to generate JSON code for use in Obsidian:… #rebuildinpublic
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