Similar todos
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Clear complete Rails cache, because there were some issues with cached partials still using old routes #wip
remove old config gem #betalist
Fixed system test hanging for no apparent reason by updating capybara #tbk
Prevent segfault when requiring gems in allgood.rb
The gem was loading configuration before Rails finished initializing all gems,
which could cause segfaults with certain gems like Vips. Changed to use
config.after_initialize to ensure all gems are properly loaded first. #allgood
Remove comments gem and use custom solution #betalist
Update old Redis gems which were causing some issues #wip
clean up confirmation; fix and test Devise user model edge cases around confirmation #downpayment
fix Rails middleware #japandev
ruby update migration check-in
fix ruby bug by turning off Puma multithreading in dev #japandev
fix gem version that jumped forward (??) in versioning prevented assets:precompile on dev1 and staging #downpayment
fix rails memory issues on heroku by reducing concurrency…
more work on rails api #starterstory
Add paper_trail gem to keep track of changes #japandev
fix a bunch of caching issues (since Rails 6 upgrade?) #wip
add object_changes to DB so I can diff using paper_trail gem #japandev