Similar todos
Added feature where people can add their favorite homestead location #homesteadlist
Added subtitles to the Homestead Locations to inform people better. #homesteadlist
Add more Homestead Locations from surveys. #homesteadlist
Add more Homestead locations from Reddit surveys #homesteadlist
Homesteaders🧑🌾 can now submit their own locations! These will be inserted in Airtable where I can approve them or add information about the location. Then they will be placed on the website's leaderboard where everyone can check them out. #homesteadlist
Added simple leaderboard for best Homesteading Locations. #homesteadlist
added first version of map to display event locations #airc
Add Homestead locations from Reddit survey #homesteadlist
Link user profile locations to our Makers Map, so you can quickly see who else is in that area #wip
added geocoding to map #skillmap
add map view #outsidelist