Similar todos
Working on #jonga marketing strategy
rethink of design #marketerdb
activity design #marketerdb
working on SEO #devopsprojectshq
Doing some marketing
working on blog post #portfolio
working on blog post #portfolio
Work on the marketing todo #selftalking
Keep working on marketing #jobboardsearch
📝 working on a draft for today's post
working on SEO and related non tech stuff for #fullstackjob
Building out activity component #marketerdb
Improving data-tables #marketerdb
tactics component #marketerdb
Got my personal website ( being served by Netlify after destroying the Digital Ocean droplet that was hosting it (just an index.html file) the welcome YouTube video working again, I guess YouTube requires some new iframe attrs now before it'll allow it to be played...bought a new domain ( for $10 and set it up on Netlify with a copy of my domain, I'm thinking of trying to start doing cold-emailing to get work as an agency / remote-worker management consultancy b/c I think the current agency I'm working for is billing my time at a way higher rate than I'm getting paid...spent a few minutes thinking about and adding Jira tickets for what I should work on next for that project (not today)...spent some time studying the [hnjobs GitHub repo][1] to see how it worked, to use it as a stepping stone towards automating applying to HN jobs...spent some more time thinking about trying to do interviews with YouTubers, I'm now thinking it may not be so useful, as I don't have a product I'm trying to sell right now, it's unlikely to have any lasting impact, and it would probably be a one-time thing... [1]:
I've been shipping like crazy / but so frantic - I haven't remembered to post!
Got all the initial modules/workshops transferred over to the temp… experiment. Getting organic signups! Hooked up some tricky little connectors so those people can access the associated material from the PE site. Did some interviews. Set up an ad campaign. Made a ton of new content. #pe Lets go. I'm excited to get back to "Added clear feature" mode at some point.
✏️ drafting a few blog posts #mylife