Similar todos
Couple of recurring tasks #work
Draft framework step-by-step instructions #jovial
start keeping a devlog for #blip so I can view back on it later…
Did weekly review of my running projects
start draft for web3wednesday #sunday
sequence and steps for building out projects
Fill Things with stuff to do. WIP is great, but I need more organisation for all the small things I work on.
write week 7 progress for blip… #stuff
Draft framework tips #jovial
start draft for Web3 Wednesday
published weeknotes…
#maintenance 🏗
- rewrite how i want to allocate my time on weekly basis towards various projects ✅
- weekly planning for W51 ✅
Start Drafting this week's edition of Web3 Wednesday #addison
start drafting web3 Wednesday issue #sunday
draft blog post #web
draft blog post #keylogs
draft blog post #starterstory