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hosted office hours and upgraded several projects to Django 4.2 #mylife
✏️ Wrote about #upgradedjango…
dusted off my deploy django project and got it semi-up and running
🤖 wrote a form bot over lunch to take a url and give me a Django form to help port some old projects
updating my django release cycle project to be self-updating
🔼 Upgraded to Django 2.2 LTS #conf
🚜 started porting #lfk from Jekyll to Django so I can start taking signups and upgrades
✏️ wrote about django-startproject…
⬆️ Upgraded two website from Django 1.7 to 2.0 #mylife
⬆️ Upgraded from Django 1.11.x to 2.1.x
finished mostly automating django recelase cycle 🤖
⬆️ Upgraded Django versions to 5.0.6 and 4.2.13 #upgradedjango
🔄 updated my django-startproject starter project to get ready for quickly bootstrapping a few new projects…
🚜 Converted static project to Django #fortune500
working on django starter tools #revsys
finished off some new views and tests for a django starter project #mylife
continued with porting #jobsinenglish to Django