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asking aws for more #jsonify quota. limited to 32 cpus? cmon, that's nothing.
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Approved for new CPU quota by AWS. Time to scale #jsonify
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Request AWS quota increases and setup necessary roles #lyricallabs
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create AWS elastic IP’s for client’s instances. #freelancegig
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applied for some more juicy AWS credits #audiogest
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optimized/scaled RDS instance to handle hundreds of serverless queue workers #zonewatcher
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Add an autoscaling policy to AWS #lyricallabs
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Redis Cloud frustrations: They've added a monthly network cap on new plans (hopefully the old ones are still unaffected). Looks like I'll be setting up my own cluster soon.
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Purchase 4 reserved instances on AWS so I don't have to think about servers for the next 3 years because it's 31 Dec and this needs to be expensed before EOY #life
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Purchase AWS reserved instances for the next year #simplepoll
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#work Create new AWS VPC for my scalable project.
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apply for more AWS GPUs
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increase limit quota for openai api #sportstechjobs
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Elastic IP provisioning approved, finally! #jsonify
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Fighting with AWS sigh #jsonify
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learned that i can have a more cost effective hosting on AWS. learning how to set up the environment etc
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submitted application for AWS credits
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Contracting and aws network headaches
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ask OpenAI to reset quota for #ideasai
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Get vCPUs limit raised by Hetzner to be able to launch several big dedicated instances and separate DB from web server #prompthero
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