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Get unlimited 4g data #life
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get 4g data #life
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get 4G #life
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get Korean unlimited 4G #life
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get 4g sim #life
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buy 4G data #life
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get new eSIM Portugal for new phone #life
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get Portuguese Vodafone eSIM phone number #life
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Buy Portuguese e-sim because my Spanish SIM has stopped working after ~3mo using it in Portugal due to “abusive roaming use” (fake news, I did normal use, it’s just these fuckers don’t wanna comply with EU roaming law) #life
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talk to Vodafone Portugal AI about the bad internet #life
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get Starlink Mini cause sick of Portuguese landlords cheapening out internet here getting the EUR 10/month package giving us 20mbps on fiber, while my entire work life depends on fast internet and it's time to just completely evade the Portuguese system and get my internet straight from space #life
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fly to Portugal #life
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Get sim card with unlimited data #life
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get traffic explosion from Portugal #nomads
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buy TRUE sim card (THB 250/month for unlimited 4G) #nils
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add new potential upcoming nomad hotspot southwest of Lisbon called Caparica #nomads
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order new Revolut card to Portugal #life
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get superfast eSIM #life
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arrive in Portugal #life
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renew 4g data plan #survivor
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