Similar todos
Create different Amplitude user segments for iOS and macOS, migrate most of our charts #jomo
Migrate remaining Amplitude charts #jomo
split the app into two separate ones #dashful
split app to staging / app / marketing #vsnipp
separated product development from consulting work into two different todo / pm apps
for amplitude events show extra fields #june
clean up app structure after the split #dashful
Add charts and graphs #watchtower
#beep Restructure app to share code for iPhone version
add rounded corners to bar charts #bootlab appstack
made #prose a proper macos app with tauri, still iterating on adding unread counts to the dock et al
add mobile horizontal scrolling to chart view #nomads for @andreasklinger…
Fix some bugs that preventing iOS app and watchOS app being in sync #checkyourlist
Ship a chart plugin to #discove
Added chart explanations #useattractor