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fix #remoteok not tweeting new jobs because handle changed from remote_ok to remoteok but worker not updated
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fix company_twitter field not used when posting job tweet #remoteok
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fix tweets without job URL because job ID was generated after tweet was generated in code for ATS scraper #remoteok (via @dvpita)
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fix bug where jobs from Google/Twitter were mistagged cause $job var wasn’t being reset after each loop #remoteok
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Debug Twitter bot as is not updating DB after posting #jobboardsearch
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fix double @@ if twitter username has @ in it and twitter bot tweets job and also adds @ #remoteok
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fix tweeting bug
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#untalent Auto tweet new jobs
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after 1 year of twitting manually fix auto job post tweets using new twitter api #web3jobs
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Update code to get job board Twitter followers, thanks @marc
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fix bug that would add (📍Location) to job position because the tweet would add it to the $job[‘position’] variable to tweet it but then it would be saved in the job on the site #remoteok
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fix bug so twitter tools post works #starterstory
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#inweed fix twitter icon edit job page
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Fix twitter issue #notepin
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Fix bug where tweets didn't work #betalist
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Fix twitter api part
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Fix twitter api part
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check tweet jobs #remoteok works with Composer twitteroauth lib
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#jamsessions post event update to twitter
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fix job edited notifications #japandev
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