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Showed up on office hours and discussed about AI Safety! #ml
meetup with homies discuss about AI #fajarsiddiq
Attended AI meetup #aiexperiments
meeting with an AI client #life
Attend AI meetup #aiexperiments
Attend AI meetup #aiexperiments
Attend AI meetup #aiexperiments
Have 1h call with The Economist journalist about AI #prompthero
go to AI meetup #aiplay
worked on a few AI projects tonight #research
I finished a personal and customized AI chat platform for me and some friends to use.
Work on #jomo AI assistant 🤓
speaker at a conference: "Creative AIs: danger or allies?"
hacking on new AI side project
Attend AI meetup, do a mini demo #veda
Working through AI Engineering 101 workshop #aiexperiments