Similar todos
test dust shader lighting particles based on flashlight #mused
add photogrammetry terrain for cutscenes #mused
work on watercolor shader #mused
get stuck on volumetric lighting w/dust & flashlight so fake it w/cone geometry & it kind of works #mused
avatar texturing #theportal
Write pixel stretch shader #resonaite
adapt particle system for ambient dust / volumetric light #mused
Implement pixel sorting shader… #resonaite
Research some Unity computer shaders for an old game prototype #splatterock
build watercolor shader & loading screen #mused
#pintura [next] alpha mask filter thumbnails in fragment shader
Create the new base for splatter effect that I will use for compute shader exploration #splatterock
write about hard dev parts, esp using WebGLCubeRenderTarget to project onto mesh environment map for transition between 360 images #mused…
Draw first pixel on a texture using compute shader (not what I was expecting) #splatterock
#pintura improve webgl performance
add reveal shader on splats now instead of just gltf, no fx added yet #mused
contrib back shader vfx for splats to threejs dev repo #mused
Learn compute shader basics and begin converting some logic to GPU #splatterock
#pintura test WebGL blur algorithm