Similar todos
Run my script that runs image recognition on my bank image receipts because the bank apparently doesn't make CSVs easily available.
basic ocr invoices #feliz
doing some research about OCR to recognize images at #talqui
Build out document scanner #freelance
Downloading both images and prompts for each image from ChatGPT already working
Good progress on the ChatGPT Images Downloader extension
Build WIP for chinese text reading assistant
#docgptai Done with server side logic for generation barcodes code128, jan, upc, etc 20+
burned through 600 transcriptions and now I'm working on what to do with all of the data #djangotv
scrolling receipt sidebar #subs
add receipt browser to #monet (my bookkeeping app)
integrating cashier functionality #linqmeup
dusted off some old machine learning / text parsing code to dabble with tonight #mylife
first setup designed and coded card swiping #mflg
Did some early morning work on the retro UI #iteisa
#thecompaniesapi convert and start trying ocr model to not only read but also extract data from website visuals
script simple data collection and entry task #stickersnaps