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Add status page to check with uptime monitor #buildinpublic
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Add status page for transparency with API uptime #scoredetect
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create status/uptime page
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import Uptime robot alternative page to the gatsby website #hyperping
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add uptime monitoring #discove using better uptime
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setup status pages
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Setup a uptime monitor for #workersshop and add it to the status page
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show all uptime and response time graphs in new status page #hyperping
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update status page app #spectate
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goes back to the status pages dashboard when changing project on a status page details #hyperping
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monitors and status pages new layout #hyperping
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setup public status page cc @leohp #appointclinic
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get a basic up/down check working #uptime
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make improvements to status pages #spectate
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update the home and pricing pages about the brand new public status page feature #hyperping
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update the public status page with new graphs #hyperping
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status page feature page #hyperping…
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update the landing page about the public status page #hyperping
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upgrade status pages to nextjs 13.5 #spectate
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setup the first public status page with the help of @lukaszmtw #hyperping
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