Similar todos
Started Migrating from Prisma to Drizzle #imagineqr
Play with Drizzle-ORM #aiexperiments
Completed Prisma to Drizzle migration #imagineqr
read the docs for drizzle to replace prisma for planetscale #visiblelight
#pintura write complex prisma query
👨💻 running simple benchmark | flask+sqlachemy Vs. expressjs+prisma
Get side tracked looking into EdgeDB instead of Prisma for #memostash - Avoiding SQL so I dont drop tables in production
Speed up database tests #domainwatchman
Play with drizzle-graphql and create template #life
Write unit tests because these queries are getting too complex to blindly trust #pingbot
import prisma in context for job query #cannaboard
🧪 it seems like expressjs + prisma is faster than flask+sqlalchemy | without any optimization
try to figure out nested queries in supabase
research drizzleORM vs prisma #aitoolsfor
Replace Prisma with Drizzle because it was annoying the heck out of me #highlighter
Replace Prisma with Drizzle because it was annoying the heck out of me #highlighter
Refactor database tests #domainwatchman
process queries 2.5x more faster #nanobrain
struggle with setting up drizzle ORM lol #aitoolsfor