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🎟 purchased my PyCon US ticket
🎫 finalized some of my PyCon plans #mylife
🎟 attending PyCon US while doing some client work #mylife
🧳 Finished packing for #PyConUS
last late night at #PyConUS
💼 first day back at #revsys after a week at #PyConUS
🎟 attending PyCon today #mylife
packed for #pycon #mylife
did a river walk at #PyConUS
#PyConUS last day watching the keynotes
attending #PyConUs day 3 or 4
PyConUS day one
register for PyCon 2019
🎟 attended PyCon day #2 #mylife
Cancel mexico trip #lifeee
book flight to US for another conference talk I'll be giving later this year (specifics to be announced later)
PyConUS reception and dinner with friends
Made it to Pittsburgh, had sushi, caught up with a bunch of Python people, and had a great first night at #PyConUS