Similar todos
working on #starter project
some late project hacking
Felt great upon waking up after taking 300mcg melatonin last night before bed; today getting login working: figured out how to translate the email/password validators used in Let's Go Further to Huma's way of doing input validation so the API will return an error if the email/password don't pass basic sanity checks; figured out how to return a 404 error with Huma if the user isn't found in the database; got the code working that checks the supplied password against the hashed password in the db and returns a 401 error if they don't match; pushed pass my normal 2-hour daily work limit to get the endpoint working (returning a token) so I can move on to something else because this sucks. Next up (tomorrow): get the front-end to receive/save the auth token and send it when signing in / etc. #govuetifytemplate
Managed to work for about 1h and continue coding the login #exerciseapp
late night working on a client project #revsys
stayed up late implementing backend from scratch #60sbio
late night finished client work and updating a few side projects #mylife
worked on a pretalx to schedule/jekyll app tonight
work on project #fajarsiddiq
🚀 staged a dayjob side project on my servers today to start getting feedback #revsys
Working on project. #shaz
did some late night client work #revsys
late night project hacking #mylife
Only got ~6hrs of sleep, so try taking 120mg of lycopene...emailed back the WorkTime rep b/c their software isn't tracking any activity, it's crazy for it to be so broken in such a basic way...ask on Upwork forums if identity verification ever needs to happen again...created a Jira board for managing studying system design...started a pastebin system for rehearsing basic system design patterns daily b/c that's been working well for studying DSAs...feeling anxiety today, presumably from all the caffeine yesterday, so I'm going to take some Caffeine+ capsules to see if the extra vitamins in it makes the anxiety go the Algolia HN API request that I found in the hnjobs repo in Postman as a first step towards grabbing those jobs myself...spent 30 minutes feeling anxious about what the next step should be, thinking I should set up the backend pulling jobs, before changing my mind and deciding I want to be able to use a frontend UI to connect my email address and then press a button to have the backend send an Gmail email for me...
started a new dayjob side project and got about 50% feature complete #mylife