Similar todos
pick raffle winner for techleadconf #blog2
Arrange giveaway for product raffle #chocolab
record talk for TechLeadConf #blog2
get back to TechLeadJS organizer #blog2
send TechLeadConf talk to subscribers #blog2
add TechLeadConf talk to #blog2
make short hello video for TechLeadConf #blog2
techleadconf panel discussion #blog2
Set up conference booth #blogrecorder
Build MVP for raffle form for client #contracting
dinner with tech lead #dinghy
choose raffle winners #serverlesshandbook
write article about becoming tech lead #blog2
co-hosted monthly conference organizer's tech meetup
Ask ChatGPT for a JavaScript code to make a raffle for a book giveaway #jobboardsearch
Submit Techstars application #jovial
Code the books giveaway raffle script #jobboardsearch
spend 10min trying to join TechLeadConf twitter space and give up #blog2
Call about a talk I got invited to give at a Microsoft event #zg