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commit all changes made during last days
lite work #djangopackages to prep a new committer
code review before final merge for release #thecompaniesapi
Pushed today's work to github #dfe
#pn started code base cleanup
commit and push code to repo #consulting
more bug squashing and code clean up
more refactoring and code clean up #homestretch
code review + merge done #clients
git commit push after 6 day break
make first commit #personalwebsite
1.0 (Upcoming version): Pushed changes to repository #securedfyi
make list of changes to improve checkout #wi
pushed openwhyd v1.0.13 to production, after testing and fixing travis-ci gpg issue with mongodb
completed code review and merged branch #thecompaniesapi
daily github commit
daily github commit
daily github commit
daily github commit
daily github commit