Client consulting work
shipped comparison doc, strangely took longer than expected #clients
did long client call... they need to raise, asap, so this is a challenge i guess i have to help them with (but there are other roadblocks in the front, like they need to be more developer focused, english-oriented, et al) #clients
blog post written, software release done #clients
emea webinar done, call over something upcoming, done, feeling kinda tired but there is the nam webinar in 1.5h, gasp #clients
webinar deck, basically complete. did call. client from earlier probably wants to negotiate on price...grr #clients
proposal complete, lets see how it goes #clients
tested gm, bugs fixed, ok to release #clients
comparative analysis of two replication systems slides done, for one company's ceo+coo to present to a new company's ceo.
for anyone wondering, this is MySQL innodb cluster vs. Galera Cluster #clients
did client call about the launch of a new product component; it was productive, but now the action items probably need to be ready by 11.11 #clients
code review + merge done #clients
wrote blog post about streaming replication, from experiments done over the weekend #clients
did a handful of github reviews, and merges #clients
another whitepaper edit, but i think this is it #clients