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#contracting Tell client that it might make sense to end contract prematurely because I don't have time rn
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#life Talk to current main client and negotiate better offer
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#life Renegotiate contract again, to find optimal solution for both sides
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terminate job contract with current employer
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Have contract termination meeting #contracting
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Arrange meeting for termination of contract #contracting
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Mentally prepare for contract cancellation meeting tomorrow by playing video games.
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#life Tell current main client that I'm wrapping up self-employedness
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make important phone call. Discuss limiting my services. Say no to next big project!
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wrapping up current contract
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write blog about quitting GA after 15 years #blog2
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call to quit #hapramp
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Talk with therapist #life
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#life Cancel therapy because it's expensive and I'm only going there for personal improvement and not actual health issues
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Reach out to online therapist, because starting realize how much anxiety impairs my life #life
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Go to final therapy session and cancel therapy because I stopped getting anything out of it #life
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#life Establish contact to prepare for firing my last Wordpress client, because I no longer enjoy working with it
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write draft post about quitting 9-5
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Write "Why I quit?"… #200wordsaday
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#life Inform remaining clients of impending end of my freelance career
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