Similar todos
Replace three more "SPA islands" with htmx and hyperscript. Astonished by how much simpler the code gets by just working in html
🚜 swapped out AlpineJS (it's great) for htmx (even easier) and figured out how to get my Chrome Extension running again #djangonews
dusted off server tool and added support for the latest Ubuntu. thinking of finishing out the frontend with htmx now that it's more viable and faster than an SPA #servers
- try to setup a codesandbox for htmx ✅ #greendeploy
🔥 Migrated keypress library to use htmx instead since everything is already built in and the API was easier.
convert all ahrefs to HTMX for single page functionality #buildingo
add partial templates for HTMX functionality #buildingo
Explore HTMX and Hyperscript as alternative to me still solving lots of stuff with SPA frontend tech #skill
change all stack to angularjs
ported keypress.js to htmx and fixed a bunch of galleries for another untitle project
Fixed missing htmx link on #lfk
starting to code front end #wpcheckr
#filepond finish up first version of Angular adapter
migrate to angular 11 #dashful
#pintura fix problem with angular component package
#pintura finish up Angular adapter component
upgraded #portformer from angular 10 to 13
#filepond correct angular docs
- try to switch /servers/create to tailwind and htmx but then got stuck at listbox/combobox not working well with htmx ✅ #greendeploy