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Make specific IAM user for #shipnix on AWS
fixed ssh credentials for old reps
- in the server create form include checkbox for ssh keys ✅ #greendeploy
Ship 2FA to #shipnix production
Implement Github OAuth #shipnix
Add known_hosts from Github, Gitlab and Bitbucket to fresh servers in a way that doesn't open for MITM attacks #shipnix
Filter out confusing SSH output in event log #shipnix
Make dedicated Github organization for #shipnix and connect github oauth also through this org
set up SSH keys on phone for personal and work server
Security key for user identification #improve
Add server-validation to form for adding DigitalOcean credentials, including when DigitalOcean API complains #shipnix
configure different dev and prod keys on shipr-nextjs #shipr
Update ssh keys on github #unnam
8. update ssh config file abt the new SSH key ✅ #greendeploy
use public key on production #checkoutpage
7. generate a new SSH key based on user input for repo ✅ #greendeploy