Similar todos
Implement Github OAuth #shipnix
Fix Github OAuth in production #shipnix
Get Github API integration to work successfully with user tokens #shipnix
Work on using Github API for fetching all repositories to search over #shipnix
Narrow Github scoping on Github OAuth login since several people pointed it out #shipnix
Successfully create github repo and push server code to it via #shipnix dashboard
Successfully create a github repo and load code into version control while server is provisioning #shipnix
Finish front-end flow for adding existing Github repos, leaving the final backend part for tomorrow #shipnix
Make specific IAM user for #shipnix on AWS
Set up preliminary view for creating and pushing server configuration to Github repo #shipnix
Fetch all Github repos from user authenticated with Github, and also realize how many abandoned repos I have #shipnix
Fix UI issues on "Add github repo" view #shipnix
Make sure #shipnix is still usable for non-github users and that relevant views print correctly
Make a Twitter account for #shipnix and do a soft launch on Twitter
Add known_hosts from Github, Gitlab and Bitbucket to fresh servers in a way that doesn't open for MITM attacks #shipnix
Successfully make an existing IHP project ship-nix compatible through #shipnix
Switch to Network.HTTP.Simple for all Github requests so response parsing and error handling works as expected #shipnix
Decide to rename the project from ship-nix to tite-ship, so it's not confused with being part of the NixOs foundation #shipnix
organise under new github org #nomadnetwork