Similar todos
Implement Github OAuth #shipnix
Fix Github OAuth in production #shipnix
Get Github API integration to work successfully with user tokens #shipnix
Add an option to change password #sitesauce
Account: implement form to change password #lifesheet
fix: password update #tba
add change password form
Fix bug on generating SSH keys #shipnix
Account page functionality: user can change password
Make dedicated Github organization for #shipnix and connect github oauth also through this org
Fix the non-working password change workflow that stopped working after migrating to Amplify JS #domainwatchman
Narrow Github scoping on Github OAuth login since several people pointed it out #shipnix
change password function #ceev
Fix change password (kpp) #matterloop
Add a change password form and wire it up with the Cognito service #domainwatchman
add API for change password
add password change option #sprin
Implement change password page template #shardsdashboards
add change password section to settings page #elreader