Similar todos
Start using imgproxy as a replacement for rather expensive imgix #wip
Re-index posts to Algolia when relevant company details (name, slug, logo) are changed #startupjobs
Switch from imgix to self-hosted imgproxy #betalist
Upgrade to imgproxy v3.7.1 #betalist
Serve company logos through static URL like (where 700 is the company ID) so it's more easily cacheable and I don't need to re-index Algolia whenever a logo changes #startupjobs
Remove imgproxy integration because we now use Cloudflare Image Resizing #wip
Update to newest Algolia logo #startupjobs
Use imgproxy to resize images as needed #buildinpublic
Do big refactor where I change how I push updates to Algolia index, from doing separate background jobs anytime a record changes, to marking the record as needing to be re-indexed and running a regular cron job to process records in batches #startupjobs
index all tools into algolia #aimaze
Fix problems with images not always loading, because imgproxy was running in development mode (didn't have my license key configured) and it would rate-limit to 100 requests/min #wip
Fix problems with images not always loading, because imgproxy was running in development mode (didn't have my license key configured) and it would rate-limit to 100 requests/min #betalist