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Finally connect Hyperping alerts to Telegram (who is checking email anyway) #simpleanalytics
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set up Telegram notification on HyperPing webhook to get notification for down time
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SMS notifications #hyperping
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update project settings: notification error or success #hyperping
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error handle so that it won't repeat pinging telegram #makergoalbot
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build a basic webhook to accept telegram updates #support
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implement optional Telegram webhook #sideshifttg
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make push notification work on Telegram for #photoai
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test Slack webhook #hyperping
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backend for Slack push notifications #hyperping
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add handling of non subscription payment webhooks and send notification via telegram bot #presetpanda
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subscribe to Telegram webhook #therapistai
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send the alert notification to the right project's webhook url #hyperping
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send telegram push notifs of users that end their trial 3 days before #hyperping
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configure twilio to send SMS notifs in the whole world #hyperping
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plug the refactored notifications system #hyperping
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have the webhook setting in the Project settings #hyperping
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catch rare Telegram webhook deletion error restart loop #kornwolf
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make a simple telegram bot that accepts POST webhook and turns it into Telegram push notifications @pushmorebot #pushmore
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solve issue where a telegram bot cannot connect #support
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