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learned Binary Search. #dsa
Lecture 12: Binary Search Explained in 1 Video [Theory + Code] completed #dsa
Watched Decimal to binary and binary to decimal video. #dsa
Solve Day 7 Binary Search #lc75
Really fix binary search for item starting point. Hopefully. #blip
Watched another NeetCode question explanation. #betterjob
Solve Day 8 Binary Search Tree #lc75
Arrays, LinearSearch. #dsa
Lecture 17: BUBBLE SORT in 1 Video [Theory + Optimised Code] || Best/Worst Case Complexity. #dsa
Figured out a new approach to studying Leetcode where every morning and evening I write out the code for the basic component-algorithms of Leetcode solutions as quickly as possible: breadth-first search, depth-first search, binary search, sliding window, etc.
Learned the "partition algorithm" used in QuickSort and QuickSelect and made a YT video showing me going through the steps by hand:…
Finished watching all the "Arrays and hashing" questions in the Neetcode 150. #betterjob
Watched a NeetCode video (going through #betterjob
fix binary search algorithm for finding initial rect #blip
Lecture 18: INSERTION SORT in 1 Video [Theory + Code] || Best/Worst Case Complexity. #dsa
#routeshuffle Get binary compression algorithm down
Watched JavaScript lesson
Studying - Data Structures and Algorithms
Studying - Data Structures and Algorithms