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make geolock based on user residency or nationality before falling back to GeoIP via @cheepo2109 #remoteok
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deploy #remoteok GeoLock to limit applicants to certain location by detecting location with GeoIP
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auto detect user country with GEOIP Cloudflare and fill in as departure #airlinelist
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fix if non-member it shows wrong people near for GeoIP country #nomads
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fix #nomads “In country now” showed wrong users if member logged in but no location set and didn’t fallback to Cloudflare GeoIP loc
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Code using ip2location API to get visitor country code for whatjobs #jobboardsearch
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add location detection through Cloudflare’s HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY #nomads
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#tabzone Get location details using (
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Auto-detect users country and show VAT field based on this #boilerplate
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Investigate geocoding issue #ipregistry
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fix if user not checked into any location and their GeoIP is detected as a city we don't have on Nomad List the [ NEAR ME ] filter wouldn't work correctly (via @jetroidmakes) #nomads
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Automatically detect users country and pre-fill the form field. #boilerplate
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City geoencoding #api
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check if Americans are getting Fahrenheit temperature or Celsius properly based on GeoIP #nomads
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fix cloudflare country check #ytcount
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build geoip based redirections capability #redirecto
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detect timezone in JS for Americas, then AJAX to server to check GeoIP to detect US and set Imperial system in JS and set cookie so we don’t have to check again on further page loads for static non member cache frontpage #nomads
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add user’s country on sign up to calculate visits to city by country of origin in data so I can make pie chart on /trends page because someone asked #nomads
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fix wrong country code UK for users without country code #nomads
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enable/test country filtering #nomads
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