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commit to 6 products in 6 months #indie
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set deadlines for product launches
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set a target for building out four ideas in February. Declared it "month of shipping"
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start on product roadmap, from product launch to sustainability in 21 months. #mindwave
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set monthly goals #ekh
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make decision on next mini project to build in next month #indie
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Decide on launch date
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Decided on a pre-launch strategy #alchemylist
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reluctantly rescheduled product launch dates ---> need to focus on consultancy work
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Decide to build and launch a new product in less than 12 hours
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plan out the product ship for June
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resolve to work a little bit on products every day
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content marketing has really started to work. With the release of #datamachine we're now going to focus on iterations and marketing on our existing product suite for the remainder of the year to see if we can grow these business. Day 1: One Blog Post a Day ✅ #sveltelaunch
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plan out launch #gamequitters
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decide what’s launching this week to test monetization #seniormindset
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Decide next project and launch date
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start working on monthly goals #nosugartoday
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write out revenue goal for next week's mini launch #serverlessreact
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write out revenue goal for next week's mini launch
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decide to pad out launch sequence by a week #reactfordataviz
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