Similar todos
create list of most popular routes based on total clicks and total days for all deals on same route #yelmair
add top destinations by month to
calculate popular deal in new way: instead of just averaging total clicks, use average clicks per day (because otherwise long valid deals would always be popular by just being online very long) #yelmair
add Most Visited by Month page because Reddit requested it #nomads
make edge graph based on 140,000+ #nomads trips
add Most popular pages #inflationchart so people can quickly click to interesting charts
extract all routes to check popular destinations #yelmair
make 80/20 division of blog posts ordered by visits, so make list of 59 (of total 295) most visited blog posts #web
add most recently published tours on homepage after most viewed #mused
start adding top 100 cities from Nomad List to #hotellist
reached 90 clicks in the last 28 days #devopsprojectshq
checking from where peak of visits came yesterday #fullstackjob