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🔴 Complete the challenge for a video youtube #designavecjuuu
Went through JavaScript course video #education
Brainstorm ideas for YouTube videos
Watch design walkthrough
watch video tutorial #fajarsiddiq
🔴 Create the script for the next YouTube video: 15 Interfaces in 15 Days Challenge #designavecjuuu
Went through JS tutorial videos #education
Went through one JS video lesson #education
Watch startup school videos #jovial
Watch intro to AI video #dev
CS50: watch Week 3 Algorithms lecture #powerup
watching too many YT videos #yamlife
watch next.js conf video on youtube -… #fajarsiddiq
Watched a YouTube video on 'How to understand your credit card statement' rec'd by Steven as an intro to his domain knowledge. #cleanexam
cut keyinsight 1 exercise video #reactd32018
Showing explainer video for each proposed exercise