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set up crawler for teachaway and china jobs
added china jobs for teacherjobs 2.0
added new site to crawler to get more remote jobs #teacherjobsio
improved api for
write web scraper #remotejuniorclub
worked on job website tests on one of the scrapers
start building the job board web scraper #remotejuniorclub
added three new job boards to #sportstechjobs crawler
built a crawler for workday jobs so i can get all sports jobs from companies using workdays for their job postings #sportstechjobs
Add web crawling logic #foxquery
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finish #crisp website crawler feature for the ai release to come
added 15 companies to #sportstechjobs crawler to automate job postings
get crawler returning accurate results for job boards! #joopie
added new crawlers, need more jobs on site #woodyjobs
managed to build a crawler to get all brand jobs that are using personio for their job board #sportstechjobs
Work on automated web scraping #pagesonpages
write first prototype automated web scraper #pagesonpages