Similar todos
#slackdiscord Fix messed up mentions coming from Discord
Fix visual bug with mentions in comments #wip
Fix bug where posting a todo @mentioning two users with overlapping user IDs (e.g. 12 and 123) could lead to the wrong @mentions being shown. h/t @philipithomas #wip
make @mentions case insensitive #wip
add @mentions support #wip
added @ mentions #firefocused
Add @mentions in todo comments #wip
#slackdiscord Fix links being messed up when you combine a user mention with a link because Slack uses angle brackets < > for various things (e.g. users, links, channels..)
Improve position of mention suggestions #wip
Improve #wip mention regex, one problem is now revealed though, our link script eats punctuation marks
delete mentions without mentionable or mentionee #wip
fix #snippy problem where multiple placeholders on a single line would be replaced incorrectly
#slackdiscord Correctly mention the user on the other side of the bridge if they exist in that chat app. Otherwise just replace the ugly mention code with a straight @username
Refactor how mentions in todos, comments, and questions are stored. So that you can change hashtags, usernames, etc and everything still works as you expect. #wip
Properly parse @mentions that have an apostroph after it so I can e.g. mention @BilalBudhani's latest PR he did for BetaList #wip
Fine-tune @mentions and #hashtags design #wip
editing and adding mention filters
improve @mention and #project styling on #wip
Implementing lexical mentions in #mapmelon
#notes Fix issue with links being malformed if put at the start of a line