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✏ catching up on day job tonight and then doing some side project work #mylife
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work on things tonight
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worked on a few AI projects tonight #research
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✏️ finished a few blog post drafts #mylife
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watched football, picked up pizza with the kids, finished out a few podcasts, checked #jobs site, and started sketching out a few more ideas
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late night finished client work and updating a few side projects #mylife
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did some late night client work #revsys
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✅ worked on marketing research tonight #conf
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✅ catching up on client work tonight #revsys
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came home, settled the kids (aka let them watch youtube on TV lol), and started night work #currentclients
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✏️ drafted another daily post and mostly did stuff around the house #mylife
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working on a few more day job tasks tonight.
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fixed a toilet, mowed, ate tacos with the family, watched Stranger Things, and thinking about working on my #servers project
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Working on a project tonight. #shaz
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worked on a bunch of #djangocon updates late afternoon/tonight
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did some late night client work two nights in a row #mylife
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ate tacos, watched a movie with the family, put kiddo to bed, and chilling on some side projects + twitter to welcome in the new year
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✏️ worked on another blog draft
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published second content piece for content marketing last night #meetbetter
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making dinner and laid out some client work for the week.
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