Similar todos
implement height adjustable text view
Implement a growing NSTextView with lower/upper bounds that doesn't suck #blip
Textareas grow appropriately and scroll at screen height #multitool
get used to intricacies of manually setting auto layout constraints, especially around labels/textviews #blip
make height estimation calculation a static func on the view so there is no need to hold on to a reference of a view for sizing #blip
create textfield style which adapts text to available size #placid
activity row extends to the height of textview #coderunnerpro android
fix NSAttributedText sizing issue
writing chapter 7 self sizing tableview #autolayoutbook
#threader2 fix wrong text height
autosize text on screens to make them fit properly #washem
Figure out how to make text wrap properly inside NSTableView #blip
fix textarea auto-expansion in ios safari #wip
#checkyourlist get scrollview scrolling to text element
[Android] Fix TextInput height #devhub
writing chapter 8 scrollview with dynamic content using autolayout #autolayoutbook
Adjust the text view on new todo to be dynamic and look good #dailyvibes