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Add Slack support #domainwatchman
Begin Slack integration #seobots
Begin Slack integration #seobots
wait for Slack to respond #echothread
work on interactive slack notifications #spectate
see Slack Discord bridge work flawlessly and be shocked #nomads (thx @pretzelhands)
#slackdiscord Add even more logging because Slack keeps refusing to send us reconnection attempts after a while and I dunno wtf is going on
#slackdiscord Add handler for "close" on WebSocket, because apparently after a while Slack randomly likes to send "close" events on the connections and then everything dies and it sucks and WHY SLACK WHY
#slackdiscord Get Slack <=> Discord fully real time
Catch up on Slack from overnight team members #designstripe
#slackdiscord fix issue where slack wouldn't reconnect correctly because I mixed up parameter order, causing the app to crash after a few hours
Engage in Slack #mapmelon
Engage in Slack #mapmelon
Engage in Slack #mapmelon
Engage in Slack #mapmelon
Engage in Slack #mapmelon
get on HN with Slack tweet #nomads…
notify on Slack that we're taking a break this week #serverlessreact