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Listen to audiobook of Elon Musk #life
Listend to podcast of @jelmerdeboer #life
Listen to "The compound effect" by Darren Hardy on Audible #yamlife
Listen to "The compound effect" by Darren Hardy on Audible #yamlife
meditate day 5… #life
Watch Waitzkin's talk with Tim Ferris #life
meditate day 3… #life
New thread on #blaze about the truth about being of service to the world from a buddihst perspective - via @KapilGuptaMD
Stoic Serenity 9 - Jan 16 - Is this REALLY the best way? #naii
listen/read one podcast (It was a Gary Vee Podcast W/ Allen Robbinson)
listen to 1podcast/book
listen to Balaji on Tim Ferriss
much listen to Ray Dalio
meditate day 7… #life
Listened to an Audio book #davidlife
Listen to an audiobook #life