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exercise (warm-up + run 5.5km - from house to studio) and 🧘‍♂️ meditate - and I’ll run those 5.5km once more as soon as I’m out of the studio #laif
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Saturday morning routine (warm-up, walk while meditate 🧘, soccer, yoga cool-down, shower) #laif
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Wednesday morning routine (warm-up + walk + run + soccer + yoga-cool-down + shower) #laif
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monday morning habit iteration 001 - run 3.4km + play soccer for about 20-30min + yoga cool-down 5min + shower 5min #laif #0840am
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,75 min - average speed: 7,19 km/h - remarks: took a little shortcut (few meters less), beside that lots of thoughts running through my head mostly because of starting with a new daily routine today (practicing my craft) which usually doesn’t work smoothly in the beginning but that’s ok #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,75 min - average speed: 7,19 km/h - remarks: sun is out, mild weather, feels like spring, greeted strangers (mostly elder people), only one older man I had seen before. Watched the Kidds run through the puddle, actually I saw quite a lot kids („mini humans“), reminded me of my childhood, made me also think that I should write more (in fact: if my experiment of launch twelve 28-day startup fails, I will concentrate on writing stories and selling them as books - so there’s that. Also I defined my top 3 priorities: prio 1) the 5kchallenge, prio 2) building studiolist, prio 3) writing soycubano. Really wild thoughts but that’s fine. That walk no only serves my body but also my mind (my physically active way to meditate) #health
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home-biked 30 minutes plus walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,5 min - average speed: 7,41 km/h - remarks: Wild (uncalm) thoughts with the conclusion that I will have a small-scale sabbatical next for 7 days to relax and spend time on (also non-business) projects I neglected in the last weeks - and maybe start doing meditation, maybe - fastest walk this week! #health
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walk+meditate 🧘 #laif
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walk+meditate 🧘 #laif
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walk+meditate 🧘 #laif
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walk+meditate 🧘 #laif
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,25 min - average speed: 7,10 km/h - remarks: like yesterday a very necessary walk out since I felt the roof was falling onto my head. Realized once more that walking for 30-60 minutes doesn’t only help physical health but gives me time to arrange your thoughts (and let come up what’s important right now). I could run instead of having a walk but then 5km would over sooner, and then I would have to run more than 5km to have enough time for thinking through and cleansing my head, but that would mean I would lose energy for the rest of my activities on the day. And the walking itself is not about performance (kilometers per minute/hour) but the consistency of doing it. So, all in all it’s good to stick to 5km every day consistently and if I’m feeling I add some workout to it. #health
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10 min run + 10 min stretching session #mindbody
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,24 km/h - remarks: knees both feeling fine; thought a lot about soccer and outdoor sports in general. Defined that soccer and hacky sack I would do as an OUTDOOR activity and voiceover and tech as an indoor activity because I remembered thanks to the meeting on Saturday with the formerly good friend of mine that this was what we did: Play soccer outside and be on the computer (programming or playing) inside. That was fulfilling so I’ll try to replicate that and transfer it from the 90s to 2018. #health
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warm up run
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20 min run + stretch/mobility session #mindbody
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barefoot walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 21 min - average speed: 5,14 km/h - remarks: Another early morning walk directly after getting up. Building up a routine - unplanned. Still super warm early in the day already but in the shades agreeable 😛 I built my strategy to deal with the heat during the working day - super cold water on the head works wonders 🙂 #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,25 min - average speed: 7,45 km/h - remarks: Weird temperatures: not really super cold, but also not mild. Despite the real temperature the felt temperature irritates my body: On the one hand he wants to relax (and release tension) because it’s kind of mild, on the other hand he wants contract and keep the warmth. Very irritating. Apart from that I thought about dressing up in my roles played for the weekdaykickoff - it would be fun and bringing fun to the people is one of implicit objectives in life. Also a good speed. #health
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affirmations and run/walk 7km done #life #fitness
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 16,5 min - average speed: 6,55 km/h - remarks: Bit faster than yesterday. Pretty cold outside at 23:00. Knees seem ok, will do gentle exercises today. #health
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