Similar todos
start paying for heroku and get https set up again
#darkmodelist move to heroku, dns, ssl, sloudflare and all this fucking shit should work
set up file upload on heroku #clientwebsite
Add S3 uploads to Heroku #telemonetize
put site up on heroku #surflog
move project from heroku to my massive linode #blogsend
Move personal site to heroku #ss
swtich heroku to linode bc freaked out when reading articles
Blog Post on my super cheap Heroku + CloudFront setup
(continuation from last night) I set up a new DO box so I can basically serve an infinite number of static websites from for $5 a month. GitHub Pages have served me well but Cloudflare charge $20 or $30 to add more redirects (annoying) and GH's terms are for-profit friendly
Waiting for the new cc to come. So i can try heroku again to ship the site. #cyberjobs
fix staticfiles bug on heroku #codercestcool
publish #herokualfredworkflow on Packal
Set up DNS/Cloudflare and deploy through Heroku #progressionpage
Move #getfitbot to a paid dyno on heroku
#visualqr move it to static website from heroku
turn off test SSL domain on heroku to save money #changeloghost