Similar todos
debug plan change pre-pop correct current plan issue #mj
Check if cancellation has worked #quicklogging
#sheet2site check if customer had free plan
Check if cancellation worked (it worked, yay) #quicklogging
#spotgetter ⚡ process pending cancellations
update daily plan
finalize free plan and paid plan usage #webhookhq
Fix cancellation and test again in one day #quicklogging
#sheet2site remove free plan for 7 days…
#sheet2site remove free plan for 7 days…
hide cancellation link if already canceled
add plans #downtime
make code to work with both Stripe and iOS cancel webhooks, Stripe sends webhook at period end cancel while iOS sends it when the plan cancels now, so use epoch_will_cancel_at to check if plan is still active, then add monthly credits for the yearly plan #interiorai