Meeting schedulers suck. They treat every block of time as the same value. Batchcal looks at your time preferences and present the most convenient times to attendees.
Improve design of event scheduling emails (so i don't use plain text emails!) #supercal
Finally manage to tame Google Cloud's stupid UX and move Supercal's OAuth from Supercal org to Matosdfm org and rename to batchcal so i can delete 1 google account :D #supercal
post about rebrand #supercal
Fix bug with redirects #supercal
Fix minor redirect bug on #supercal
rebrand #supercal to batchcal as part of a deal . server redirects done, just need to update links going to supercal to redirect to batchcal!
Revamped copy in header. NEed to try a new positioning angle #supercal
started cold email warm up. Cold emails sucks #supercal
focus report features. Page with data + weekly report done! #supercal
Recorded 1st YouTube video. Posting tomorrow, it’s about how I increased conversion rates for supercal #supercal
Shipped personalized questions for booking meetings. You can now define what questions you want the attendees to answer! #supercal
Launched customized meeting reminders #supercal
Added meeting breaks. Select breaks between meetings while still being able to batch them #supercal
Scheduled social content for the week #supercal
Launched new scheduling screen! #supercal
Created get calcheck for new profile system #supercal
Fixed empty days rule #supercal
Finished meeting links #supercal
Launched new cold email campaign #supercal
Added loading icon to setup #supercal