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#pintura [next] add zoom control
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#pintura [next] add zoom to mouse pointer
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#pintura fix issue where scrollwheel would zoom image in resize view
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#pintura [next] inertia + collision detection on image drag
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better zooming #ceev
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fix slow zoom if use fingers #hoodmaps
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Clone image when zooming in #logopin
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#pintura [next] fix problem where perspective would also translate the image slightly
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#pintura fix mousewheel zoom
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#pintura [next] fix issue with min size not being respected while dragging crop rectangle
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#pintura fix canvas scale rounding issues while dragging image
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make zoom buttons react to touchstart not click to speed up #hoodmaps
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#pintura [next] add recenter button when zoomed out too far
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fix drag gesture performance issue
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#pintura [next] implement drag scroll for filter preview thumbs + forget I was drawing thumbnails in background WebGL powered canvas
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#pintura fix issue with dragging and scrolling at the same time
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save image zoomed in position and go to same position when going left and right in image gallery so people can compare details for photos with same seed but diff params #photoai
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limit zooming #ceev
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#filepond fix image alignment in image editor when zoomed in
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#filepond image edit rubber banding on scale / drag interactions
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