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sanity check in Basecamp (how many project/publications am I running? 7 - what’s their relative importance?) #naii
Publish "What I'm up to - November 2022" #life…
Regroup all projects and get an overview of where I want them to go in the coming weeks (what to improve, what to start out fresh with).
start writing list of all my projects ever #blog
pick 3 ideas/projects to work on semi-simultaneously so when I get "bored" I keep on working, being productive, and shipping.
Publish monthly "What I'm up to" post #life…
Did weekly review of my running projects
Published "👋 What I'm up to - July 2022"…
share week 7-10 of Building Studiolist (2020 Documentation): Taming side-projects: #studiolist
cleaned up bookmarks, filed research, and took some notes to get a few other projects rolling
filed some tabs/research away and looking over a few blog post drafts #mylife
Outline first half of portfolio overview page for selected works (choosing from 250 projects to demonstrate specific service examples and skills is wild, I'm just doing recent works and a few old favorites!) - actually doing the actual portfolio pages will be a nightmare that's been on my admin list forever but that's another future me problem #admin
Published "What I'm Up To - Sept 2022"… #life
finish thinking about the projects #life
start playing catch up on projects
📝 updated projects on my personal website #mylife