Similar todos
Get organized with a fresh notion system #life
organize a bit of my Notion mess
organize notion
update #portfolio2 with latest projects
clean up notion tasks #keyframes
reorganise all things in Notion team
re organize tasks in notion to use an eisenhower matrix
updated and updated three projects that are mostly bots I use to do other things. they are refreshed with a standardized deployment setup now which makes them easier to maintain #servers
Move all ideas into notion
Organize Notion more #aware
Regroup all projects and get an overview of where I want them to go in the coming weeks (what to improve, what to start out fresh with).
update todos on notion #shipr
Reviewed my projects ranking #shipit
Documentation - update notion #jovial
Organize Notion #aware
Updated my personal page with my latest 2 projects
📝 updated projects on my personal website #mylife