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built a basic search engine wohoo
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share thoughts about building a search engine for threads
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🔎 trying out to see if it'll work for some local searches
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🍟 Side project weekend: Toying with home-made search using Vue.js... or should I just embed Algolia search and call it a day? 🤔 #lifelog
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Started implementing Google searches to a tool #shipit
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🔎 digging into meilisearch a bit harder this morning. The api works well enough and it's fast once everything is indexed. I'm still underwhelmed though.
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research for search tool
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working on search
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revamp search engine in #cryptojobslist
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launch crypto search engine
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building my own quick biolink/linktree coz I cant access them here. not sure if they're blocked or wtv. so yeah, yet another non-AI/SaaS build. #grainsbyleif #leifinlavida
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giving up on a Python Unsplash library that I found and rolling my own for search now. Most of the features I want, require a few extra query strings get passed which I can't do otherwise. #lfk
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tinkered with search solutions #leo
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🔎 more #lfk search work so I can start porting it to other projects
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Design and build search example software client page #builderbelt
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Do keyword research because I need to build a landing page but I don't know what people search for #jobician
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prototyped on search for internal search plugin #misc
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Realized that search.php did not exist so I made one with a prompt to search for more if no results #niftymacapps
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Write basic search engine query thingie for #tube
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play with a very good AI-powered search engine
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