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complete wip signup by adding telegram account
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link Telegram to WIP :)
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Joined WIP and connected with Telegram
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clarify during sign up that WIP is telegram-based (and that it’s really cool maybe with a testimonial to alleviate fears of installing another app). #wip cc @kowfm
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get WIP yearly membership
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join the wip telegram
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buy yearly membership
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just trying the WIP bot on Telegram. Please ignore. #random
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first wip todo created with Telegram
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Setup WIP account 👋
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renew WIP memberhsip
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canceled subscriptions #witsio
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add Cancel / Refund button for lifetime memberships too because some people couldn't find it… #nomads
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Work out how to link up WIP to Telegram
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Invited to + first /done command via telegram
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add email to Telegram notification of canceled membership with reason why, so I can click and email them to ask more about their reason/problem and learn from it #nomads
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pay for even though I stopped using it 6 months ago
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direct members who haven't connected their Telegram account yet to when they join the chat, which has instructions on how to get access #wip
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register #wip
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