Similar todos
📝 Re-slugified places based on their name + (neighborhood OR address) to help build better urls with chain/fast-food support #lfk
add 🍔Big Mac Index #inflationchart
McD for breakfast #fajarsiddiq
make slugs work like #hotellist
Fix slug combo i forgot about when refactoring how i handle region slugs last night #plumberjobs
add site map to blog #ronblog
refactored cuisine and neighborhood frontmatter to be easier to link to via slug fields #lfk
Fix #coffee Slugs
Reserved slugs #unmarkdocs
friendly url slugs
eat macdonalds #fajarsiddiq
fix slug validation #checkoutpage
add TLDR-2020 to blog #ronblog
Write daily: Create a URL-Friendly Slug in JavaScript 👉… #nesinio